
I have been imagining a time very much in the future when there are only a few surviving nomads roaming the Earth. They live in a world in which most man-made structures are no longer visible as nature has taken back what is hers. The world they encounter is unmoored and dangerous, but also awe-inspiringly beautiful as I imagined it would be. Looking for signs and cosmic laws, the nomads encounter energetic forces as they try to grasp the connections between every creature and thing. I realize that this is my way to cope with the reality of our natural world dying, by giving me hope that nature as we know it will survive, and better humans will be able to live in harmony with her.

In my process I stick to four rules: I use no source materials, I start with monoprints,  I can’t stop after one run, and I keep going until I am no longer able to recreate the image. In the end, I want to learn something I didn’t know before.